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Related Arts Website

Meet Our Team

Related Arts Team

Ms. Allsup (Character Education), Ms. Eaton (Music), Ms. Fanning(Media), Ms. Fernandez (PE), Ms. Kasper (Art), Coach Losco (PE), Ms. Lusk (Media), Coach Milite (PE),  Ms. Schirmer (PE), Ms. Vergara (Computer Science/STEM).

Welcome to Related Arts!

Browse below to find news and information about each of the related arts classes that your student attends each day.

We are very excited to be teaching your children and learning all about them this year!

Ms. Kasper
Ms. Kasper.

 I have a bachelor’s degree in studio art, and I have been teaching elementary art for 9 years. This is my third year at Wards Creek!

Art Class

This year in art we will be focusing on identifying and using the elements of art in our work. We will be practicing techniques in drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, and sculpture. First, students will be creating a winter themed Square 1 project. We will also cover a unit on simple clay building techniques to create a ceramic piece. Students will be given opportunity to try different mediums in the art room to create something meaningful and inspiring to each individual artist.

Donations are always welcome. Anything from pencils and paper to googly eyes and pipe cleaners.

Ms. Allsup
Ms. Allsup

 This is my second-year teaching at Wards Creek Elementary. My family  moved to Florida from North Carolina. We have two dogs and two cats.

Character Counts

Welcome all to Character Counts resource class. I am very excited to be the Character Education teacher.  Throughout the school year, we will be  learning in depth the six pillars of character. The six pillars are: Fairness, Responsibility, Citizenship, Respect, Caring, and Trustworthiness. Each month we will focus on one of the six pillars by completing many different activities on that pillar.  

Monthly pillar Focus order: 

  • Fairness 
  • Responsibility 
  • Citizenship 
  • Respect 
  • Caring 
  • Trustworthiness 

WCES Character Club: Let’s Make Smiles

Who can join: 25 students will be selected from 3-5 grade. Interested students will fill out the character club application. Application is due to Kelly Allsup, room 210, character education teacher by September 5th. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Only chosen students will be notified NO later than September 11th.

When: Character club will begin on Tuesday, September 17th from 3:05-4:05pm in the character education room, 210. All students must be picked up promptly at 4:10 pm at parent pick up. 

What are we doing: Ms. Allsup will be doing monthly service project with the students. The projects are:

September Fairness: Welcome! Create fliers for all projects. Start pen pal writing to students in China

October Responsibility: Thanksgiving Blessing Bag

November Citizenship: Operation Shoe Box Fill

December Respect: Holiday cards to senior living home

February Caring: Animal Food Drive

March Trustworthiness: Positive Grahams for testing

April All pillars: Teacher appreciation gifts/ Finally party

Ms. Lusk and Fanning
Ms. Lusk & Ms. Fanning

This is our 4th year in the media center. Please visit the Media Center page for more information.

Media Center Mission:

The mission of the Wards Creek media center is to foster and grow a passion for reading and lifelong learning in ALL students. 
Our media center check out philosophy is that students choose books based on interest and not necessarily a level or color. We do try to make sure students have at least one “good fit” book!

Some fun in the Media center include:

  • Sunshine State Books
  • Fun Challenges
  • Torch News
  • Centers
  • Read Aloud
  • School Store
Ms. Eaton
Ms. Eaton

This is my 16th year teaching Music and my 4th year here at Wards Creek.
My favorite instrument that we will get to play this year are the drums.


Kindergarten and 1st grade will focus a lot on singing and movement. Students will learn how to play unpitched instruments to a steady beat .. At the end of the year, students will be introduced to the xylophones!

2nd and 3rd grade will focus on rhythm during the first semester. Students will learn how to read rhythmic patterns and play them on percussion instruments. They will also improvise on drums and play melodies on the xylophones.

4th and 5th grade will I focus on reading and performing rhythmic patterns on percussion instruments and xylophones. We will then move to our drumming unit. We will start recorders in the second semester! I will send home information about purchasing the recorder (if you need a one) in November.

Coaches Milite, Losco, Fernandez & Schirmer

Wards Creek PE Coaches would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to teach your child. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Physical Education (PE)

Physical Education is where students learn to be active for a lifetime. In PE, students learn how to move their bodies and develop the knowledge, levels of fitness, and physical skills, as well as social skills, that carry them through out life’s endeavors. Physical Education plays an integral part in a child’s education. It is important that your child comes ready on the days they have PE by wearing proper clothes and shoes. Appropriate clothes and shoes give your child the opportunity to fully participate in PE activities safely and keep them from possible injuries.

Student Expectations

  1. Demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns needled to perform a variety of physical activities.
  2. Demonstrate  knowledge of movement concepts and strategies that apply to  the learning of physical activities.
  3. Assess and maintain a levels of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts,  and strategies to improve overall heath.
  5. Work cooperatively and demonstrate sociological concepts and strategies in learning various PE activities.
Ms. Vergara flying plane
Ms. Vergara

I have been teaching STEM for the past 5 years at Wards Creek Elementary. I look forward to a great year of fun and learning!


Our school's STEM expo will take place March 12 during school hours. The elementary STEM Expo is not a competition, but instead is a learning experience for those participating. Participation is voluntary.

If your student would like to participate, please download this Permission slip and project planner packet: Scientific Project Planner 25 or Engineering Project Planner 25

Computer Science/STEM

What is STEM?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. In our lab, we’ll be exploring and applying concepts relating to all those fields through hands-on learning.

3rd -5th grade students will have an opportunity to participate in our annual STEM showcase in the spring semester.

We’ll be promoting conservation by recycling old crayons, markers, batteries, and printer cartridges.  Please send those items to the lab with your student at anytime.

Some of the topics we’ll be working on include:

  • Forces and Energy
  • Coding skills
  • Typing skills
  • Digital citizenship


School Access

Anyone (parent, guardian, friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle) must have school access to attend an event at Hartley, have lunch with a student and/or attend an awards assembly. If you have not already done so, please complete the School Access Form. The process for approval may take up to 4 weeks, so please fill out the application sooner than later for any guests that would like to have school access. Once the application is approved, school access will be valid for three years.

Online Resources

Home Access Center

Home Access Center (HAC) allows students and parents to view their child’s educational information on a secure password-protected website and app.


New for 2023-2024 - Students will now use Clever to access Microsoft 365, Online Textbooks, and other Links for Students.

Year-at-a-Glance Pacing Guides

These guides inform parents and students of the recommended pacing and content standards for selected courses. It includes the topics to be taught week by week each quarter.


ClassDojo is an online classroom management platform and app that helps parents stay up-to-date on classroom activities.

CHARACTER COUNTS! in St. Johns County

CHARACTER COUNTS! is a countywide initiative to instill positive character traits in our young people.


SchoolMessenger allows SJCSD to quickly and efficiently communicate both general and emergency messages to parents/guardians and staff using email, text and voice mail.